Thursday, January 10, 2013


Changed our morning safari drive from 6AM to 9AM we were just way to sleepy to get up and be functionally! Haha. Did wake up to monkeys on our roof though, just monkeying around with each other and then drove through to park to the main gate for our safari trip round 2. On the way we saw some more elephants,warthogs and some kudo. The baby warthog is too cute! A baby pumba, I want one even though they are mean and ugly when they grow up! HA! Hoping to see some cool stuff on the landrover and then we have some fun stuff planned on our way back to Port Elizabeth. Including zip lining through the Tzitikamma forest and....possibly bungy jumping off the bridge over storms river!!! Can't decide if ill do that, YOLO but do I really want to have a heart attack before I turn 25?!?!

Second safari was good never was the lion, searched high and low but couldn't be found. There were only 9 lions I'm the whole park, which was HUGE to drive from one side to the other took us 1 hour.

Finally got to eat Internet useless you go down to the restaurant :(. Ill have to post all the blog and pictures/video when we get back go Cape Town on the 12th.

Heading out to dinner just now and then it's supposed to be high of 92 and sunny tomorrow...Da beach!!! Yay!

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