Monday, January 21, 2013


Went to the animal shelter with Amanda and Ruan to check it out, so different to our shelters. No kill so that good! So many cats!!! I mean like out door enclosures with at least 25 cats just chillin. I'm going to go volunteer there some days!

Had a yummy braai at Amanda's. Ruan and her are chefs so you know it had to be amazing! Chicken, boervours and salad. Delish!

Watched some movies and then went to sleep, not much of an adventure filled day.
Just a chilled Sunday Findlay.

Amanda's roommate, Ruan, I think really likes me ha's weird because:
1.) he basically has the same name as Ryan but in Africaans.
2.) he's Ryan's age, 22.
3.) he likes to playful bite like Ryan...

All of it is just very similar and I don't think I like it. He's a very sweet boy but I don't think I could be more than friends. Well see. Even though he is younger he does have a career...

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