Friday, January 18, 2013


The shack was not busy at all but still fun, before going home we went to slug and lettuce for a little bit to meet up with Amanda's friends. I stayed over at her house. Went to her deli In The morning til about 12 when Jeannette ,my aunt, came and got me. We went to the grocery store and got lots of yummy fruits and then came home and took a little nap.

My aunts friends Ingrid and her boyfriend are coming over for dinner and then Ill probably chill a little bit and relax here. Tomorrow there is talk of laying by the pool during the day and either going to a braai with Melissa or meeting up with Amanda to go to the water front for a free concert.

Had a lovely shabbot dinner, feels goo to eat some what homemade food.

Interesting note: south Africa's love Obama!!!! WTF, if you lived in USA and had to withstand all the bull his been doing to our country I don't think you'd like him. Their winning achievement is that he was the president to get bin laden, cool that's great then why do we keep sending brave men over seas and none are coming home to their loving families? I might be missing something because I don't really follow politics and stuff but let's see you agree to what he has done to our health care system, and how would you feel with gas prices literally touching the sky and lastly taking hard working Americans money with more taxes to help people who are just lazy. The one thing I do do agree with is the fact that people applying for Wellfare and such have to get drug tested. I'm not a politics person so I'm done just thought it was very interesting and it was really awkward when I stated I hate Obama and conversation completely came to halt haha. I'm in a house of democrats...lovely.

Talked to me mom today, Sebastian misses me :( she said that when they all came home we was looking for me, made me tear up talking about him. I miss the sweet little body curled up me to me. The dogs here never stop barking and do not love on me like my boo boo. I can't wait to Skype with him soon!!!!🐶❤❤

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