Wednesday, April 3, 2013

First leg- Cape Town to Amsterdam, complete!

Not a bad flight, got on the plane and ate some YUMMY (joking!) airplane food. Watched Silver linings playbook, such a good movie 😍! Then listened to some music and slept for a little bit, maybe 4-5 hours. Woke up and listened to more music and slept some more, haha. Got served breakfast and watched Twilight the most recent one that came out. Good movie too. About to get off the plan and go find a locker to stow my carry on bag so I don't have to lug it around the city for 6 hours! Off to explore Amsterdam!!!

It's freaking freezing!!!! Ah I couldn't feel my face whole walking around. Thank god I had an extra jacket! Amsterdam has the most beautiful buildings!!! Walked around in the red light district , saw some fancy sex shops and place that sold cannabis seeds! Then wander a little more into a part of town that was predominately Asia...jumped on a hour canal cruise and now headed back to the airport to get ready for my second and last leg!!!!

Amsterdam to HOME

Ahh! It's so close I can taste the sweet Georgia air on my tongue!!! About to board my last plane from Amsterdam to Atlanta. It's a 9 hour flight and I'm hoping it goes by smoothly and fast!

Well smooth it did but not very fast, I have watched all the movies I wanted to see, Life of Pi and Cinderella. Life of Pi is an amazing movie!!! Also at balled my eyes out watching it as of course Cinderella is a classic and will never get old!

Can't wait to run to my mommy and daddy!!!! And the. I get to see Sebastian and rajah!!!! Omg I'm so excited!!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The journey is rearing an end.

Well after 2 in a half months of living it up reality is slowly making its way back in the door, but not before I explore Amsterdam for 6 hours on my layover! Can't believe that it's time to go home, it feels like I have been here for so much longer and it's been a blast but I'm so ready for life back home!!!!

About to get up and go see my granny, cross my fingers she's easy going today.
Visit was good she behaved and I said my good byes. So sad to say bye to here since it is probably the last time ill see her. That has not really hit me yet, been on the go all day . After gran Lauren, Brett and I went to get biltong from the waterfront and the got lunch. Can home and had to do some rearranging on my cases, pray to god that I'm not over-weight! Definitely brought way too much stuff!!!! Melissa cd over to chill and then off to the airport we go! So nervous, I hope everything goes well checking in. I prepaid for my extra luggage but it didn't show up on my check in so that should be an obstacle. I haven't receipt from though so wish luck!
Still have to claim my taxes, and exchange some rands to dollars. Flight only leaves at 11:30PM.

Excited about Amsterdam!!! Goin to take the train to Central Station and walk around, go see the red light district and maybe catch a canal cruise!

Check in was a breeze, but unfortunately I did not know that you had to present all you purchases in order to get back your taxes, so I only got R140 back which is about $14 so not bad! Makes me angry because I definitely bought well over 3000 worth of stuff and could have gotten about $100!!! Oh well you live and you learn. I have learnt 3 things about traveling: 1. You don't need 25 pairs of panties. all your bathing suits and a bra in every color!!! 2. You don't need a whole wardrobe just have versatile outfits, there are laundry machines for a reason. And lastly but not least 3. Claim your taxes before you check your baggage through.

Standing in line waiting to board my plane and can't help but reflect of the amazing journey I have just embarked on and all the amazing and inspiring people I have met. I'm truly blessed to live the life I do.

Standing in line waiting to board my plane and can't help but reflect of the amazing journey I have just embarked on and all the amazing and inspiring people I have met. I'm truly blessed to live the life I do.
I can't believe this part is over but I know that this is just the start of a new 1000 page book in my life. I have learnt so much about my self, everything about what type of guys I like to what I want to do in my career. The people I have met will never know how much they have influenced me and I am so excited to start looking for a job I will never hate! First stop the aquarium!!!

Here we go first leg to 'Mercia. Only 11 hours. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ✌

Bye gaansbaai see you next year!

Well here it's goes, leaving gaansbaai for the second time, but this time for real. Headed back to Cape Town and then one more day til I go home!!! Went on the boat, didn't dive or really do anything. Sharks where out but nothing worth getting on 17.3 degree Celsius water. Got some great pics though!!

Took Melissa and the Lewis' out to dinner for a thank you. We went to a little Greek place down the street called Spiro. Yummy but way too much oil! Then Melissa and I went to cafe caprice to meet friends for drinks. Just chilled and then went home with Lauren and Brett so we can go see granny tomorrow. It's going to be so sad because in theory this will be that last time I see here, unless she is alive when I come back but I doubt it :(. Hopefully it will be a good visit so I can remember here well.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Happy birthday Klara/last night in gaansbaai ( for real this time)

Today is Klara's birthday!! She is our "mom" aka the volunteer coordinator. Awesome girl, and is so much fun! Love her to pieces! Made her brownies and we all signed a card. Going to dinner and to tap house for her birthday!!!

Great day in the water. 2 trips but I only went on the second. During first trip Richard, rihane, Gary, Klara and I did some identification of species at the tidal pools. Found lots of hermit carbs, regular crab, fish and a star fish. Went to wimpy for lunch and then went on the boat. Good day but bad visibility. Saw the big female again. rihane and I dove but it was hard to see, so hopefully tomorrow is better visibility!

Going to eat at lighthouse tavern! Going home tomorrow after the trip!!! Yay, and then home home in 3 days!!!!!!

Got forced to do a Picasso again...not a happy camper!!! Yuck, first time was definitely easier.

Love the volunteers here! So sad to be leaving!!!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

4 days till home!!!

One trip today, and I'm hoping the water is warmer!!! It's klara's birthday tomorrow so we are making here a cake! Love her so much, I will definitely miss my volunteer mom!

Got to go out to shark alley today!!! Wahoo! So happy but the activity out there wasn't the greatest. We are just entering predation season so soon we should start seeing some seal chases and breaches! I will miss is though :(. Saw some seal and shark interaction today but nothing major. Hopefully we will head out to shark alley again tomorrow.

Got 3 more volunteers today, but jean and Melissa left. They were pretty cool, cousins from San Francisco and quit their engineering jobs to travel the world. Awesome girls! Volunteers that came to day seem cool a polish girl, German guy and a USA girl. Having a taco night tonight so we will get to know them more.

Nicola is going on a trip and won't be back til after I leave, I was really mean to him yesterday...feel bad about it. I won't see his before I leave so that was out final good bye...maybe I should message him. Oh we'll.

Taco night was a great success, so yummy and then we watched finding nemo!!! Nice relaxing evening. We have 2 trips tomorrow and I'm on both. Hoping to dive!!!

Gaansbaai day 3 round 2

Not a very exciting day at see. Only a few sharks came to play. Didn't dive today because the water is still cold 13.5 degrees thank you. Played rugby after. My team won, yay. Going to salon tonight but really just want to come home. Everyone is in PCB including my mom and I'm tired of not being with my friends. If I had to come home tomorrow is be totally ok with it. Unfortunately I have 5 days....

Went to out to play pool and karaoke. This time I did not do it by myself, all the girls did it and it was a lot better!!